A.D.A.S Systems
Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
A.D.A.S stands for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems and covers systems like:
These systems all work with sensors located in different parts of the vehicle such as front bumper/grill, door mirrors, windscreen, rear bumper and chassis.
When a vehicle is involved in a crash or a panel or any other component is removed or replaced it could involve moving these sensors for example a workshop replacing a condenser may need to remove front bumper to gain access and thereby disturb the radar sensor mounted in the bumper.
Once moved or disturbed these sensors need to be calibrated to work properly again or the information they provide may not be accurate. To calibrate these sensors requires the use of a diagnostic tool and boards and patterns. Some calibrations are performed with the vehicle stationery and dynamic calibrations are performed with the vehicle moving.
At AutoParts & Diagnostics we can provide all the calibration equipment required to enable aftermarket workshops and body shops to have the capability of performing A.D.A.S calibrations in house and retain more of the profit.
We can supply calibration equipment from Bosch, Hella Gutmann Solutions and Autel.